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Across Western democracies, the place for newcomers in the host society is debated, involving often a questioning of immigrants’ belonging to their new nation. This article argues that immigrants’ feeling of host national belonging depends on how the host nation imagines its community and its concomitant boundaries. Utilising survey and country level data in multilevel regressions, immigrants’ belonging is found to vary significantly across the 19 countries included. A central contribution is the finding that citizenship policies do not explain this cross-national variation. Instead, what matters is the informal boundary drawing produced in the majority population's conception of what is important for being part of the national ‘us'. Thus, immigrants’ belonging is significantly greater when the majority population prioritises attainable criteria of national membership. In addition, these priorities are shown to have deep historical roots as immigrants’ belonging is greater in settler countries and in nations which democratised early. By showing that national imageries have consequences for a country's welcoming capacities, and by showing that these welcoming capacities are historically path dependent, the study contributes to the debate within nationalism studies about national identity's causal significance.  相似文献   
以信息、语言、记忆工业和时间物体为代表的后现代技术,批判现代技术的机械化、商品化、功利化、权力化人类中心主义以及物化和异化带来的各类难以预测的事故和灾难。主张在非祛魅性、多元性、生态性和非决定论的后现代科学基础上,根除"技术官僚主义",推动后现代技术往更加人道、民主、自由、智慧和艺术的方向发展,将技术进一步人性化和真善美一体化,使其真正为新人民和全人类的文明服务。  相似文献   
休谟哲学常常被诠释为一种具有心理主义倾向的经验论,但其作为一个历史学家的身份在其哲学研究和探讨中较受忽略,因此,休谟哲学中所隐藏的历史性和历史意识的向度并未受到充分重视。文章旨在通过对休谟文本的再度诠释,揭示和展现其哲学中的历史意识,这也是一种深化和准确理解休谟哲学的新维度。  相似文献   
历史文化资源是城市特有文化形态的依托和我体。能否挖掘、保护、梳理好历史文化资源,关系到城市优秀历史文化的继承与弘扬,关涉到城市未来的发展与走向。历史文化资源,不但要挖掘、整理、保护,更要优化。优化历史文化资源,就是在文明的大背景下,系统梳理历史文化资源,理清历史发展脉络,理清文明发展足迹,理清优秀历史文化传统,进而树立鲜明的城市文化形象,增强城市文化软实力。  相似文献   
谭永国 《学术探索》2012,(12):22-25
中共七大通过的党章,是中共党史上具有划时代意义的党章之一,是我党独立自主制定的第一部党章,是党在民主革命时期制定的最完备、最详尽的一部党章,具有鲜明的历史特点,有着重要的历史意义和深远的影响。  相似文献   
The Chinese road has deep historical roots. Its most striking feature is that it is marked by historical continuity rather than rupture, and the main force behind this continuity is its intrinsic dynamism and vitality. Unlike the paradigm of Eurocentrism or “Discovering History in China,” the comparative analytical paradigm discovers China through long-term comparisons with corresponding countries in the same time and space in an effort to find positive elements in the history of the Chinese road and to refute the long prevalent theory of Chinese stagnation. Seen over the course of world history, the impetus for the creation of the world’s most brilliant agrarian civilization was endogenous. This impetus was not a momentary “explosive force” but a sustainable institutional drive whose main constituents were the independent farming household, endogenous government capacity and adaptive national governance. In addition to the main theme of “permanent change,” Chinese development had a secondary theme of “cyclical change” which cannot be ignored. The roots of Chinese development are buried deep in the genes of this agrarian nation in the form of sticky institutions, bureaucratic inertia, arbitrary power, etc. Historical continuity provided a foundation for China’s creative revolution and development in modern times, ultimately laying down a socialist development road with Chinese characteristics, although this remains an unfinished relay process.  相似文献   
对大遗址管理而言,我国正稳步推进的城镇化既是机遇,也是挑战。为回应这些机遇或挑战,“十一五”前后我国从中央到地方采取了一系列措施,以寻求大遗址管理体制中管理架构和机构的部分突破。这些突破对大遗址保护已经或正在产生积极影响,但也面临着政策不具普适性、无法根除原管理框架痼疾等困境。促成大遗址保护需求与规划的衔接、引入社会力量参与大遗址管理,是突破困境的重要手段。  相似文献   
避讳学是一门研究避讳现象发生发展的一般规律及其应用的边缘学科,历史悠久、文献丰富、成就巨大是我国避讳学研究的最显著特点。伴随一部避讳史,也有一部中国避讳学史。中国避讳学史可分为四个时期:一是避讳史料学时期——先秦至明代,二是避讳学的萌芽期——清代,三是避讳学的形成期——近代,四是避讳学的发展期——现代。  相似文献   
随着经济和商业社会的发展,城市开发建设不同程度地蚕食历史建筑,破坏历史街区的整体风貌。历史建筑是人类发展痕迹的见证,一定程度上反映着地域文化。保护历史建筑也是保护地域文化。粤港政府在历史建筑保护工作方面积累了不少经验,通过分析粤港两地历史建筑保护措施,提出对城市历史建筑保护与利用的对策建议。  相似文献   
We propose a specific general Markov-regime switching estimation both in the long memory parameter d and the mean of a time series. We employ Viterbi algorithm that combines the Viterbi procedures in two state Markov-switching parameter estimation. It is well-known that existence of mean break and long memory in time series can be easily confused with each other in most cases. Thus, we aim at observing the deviation and interaction of mean and d estimates for different cases. A Monte Carlo experiment reveals that the finite sample performance of the proposed algorithm for a simple mixture model of Markov-switching mean and d changes with respect to the fractional integrating parameters and the mean values for the two regimes.  相似文献   
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